Welcome to BirdingLocations!
My name is Colton, and I created this website for birders visiting a Texas hotspot for the first time. I hope you find it helpful.
You can contact me at birdingoutfitter@gmail.com
Born in a Landfill
The idea for this site was born in a landfill. The Brownsville Landfill specifically, when I was chasing a Tamaulipas Crow. As soon as I rolled up to the entrance I realized I had no idea where to go.
Can I just drive right in, or is there an office?
Where do I park?
Am I trespassing?
Is the security guard going to come out an yell at me?!
I drove 4 hours to get there, only to be stumped by the last quarter mile. So I thought “You know, someone really should make a website that tells you this kind of stuff.”
Now BirdingLocations is here to tell you what you need to know, so you can simply have a great time looking at birds, rather than throwing up your hands in frustration.
About Me

My interest in birds began while earning a Wildlife Biology degree at Texas State University.
On an ornithology field trip to Aransas National Wildlife Refuge I remember wanting to see a Whooping Crane. It was pretty much the only bird I cared about. So when we found a small family of them just outside of Goose Island State Park, I thought it was the coolest thing ever!
The thrill of the chase, the challenge of the ID, and the admiration of the natural world never wore off. Now I keep pair of binoculars in my car at all times, plus another pair by my office window, just in case.

In 2014 and 2015 I worked with the Oaks and Prairies Joint Venture, partnered with Texas Parks and Wildlife, and conducted roadside bird surveys across central and north central Texas. We surveyed mainly for grassland species, especially Northern Bobwhites. I only got my car completely stuck in the mud twice, so I’ll count that as a win.
Since 2016 I’ve worked with a private company to conduct bird surveys and help provide wildlife management services.
I also assist with a monthly community bird walk in my city, which I’ve been a part of since 2015.