-Small but fantastic park for spring migrants
-A good day in late April can yield 40-50 species in an hour

The Location
This tiny 3.5 acre park is located right in downtown Corpus Christi. It provides a great migration stopover point for birds to rest and feed, and a great opportunity for birders on the central coast during April and early May. Dense vegetation provides plenty of natural shelter, while a small flowing creek provides water.

The Blucher family donated this property to the City of Corpus Christi in 1942 under the agreement that the space would forever be used as a natural space for people to connect with nature, and as a sanctuary for birds. A grant from Conoco Inc. in 1990 enabled a restoration project that return the park to a more natural state with only native plants present. Today a volunteer crew meet every Monday to clean and care for the park.

Birding Recommendations
Note: Google Maps will take you to Tancahua Street, which is the back of the park. Trailheads and street parking are on Carizo Street.

Due to the park’s small size, there’s no real secrets here. You can easily cover the whole space in 15 minutes, however on a good day in mid to late April it will likely take you 45 minutes to make a loop since there will be so many birds to look at.

Groove-billed Ani are occasionally seen here, although uncommon at only a few sightings per year. They tend to be in the mid to upper story of the larger trees. Familiarizing yourself with their vocalizations will increase your odds of finding one.

If you’re visiting Corpus Christi during migration, Blucher should be on your “must visit” list. During summer and especially winter months, birders are better off visiting grasslands and locations directly on coastal waters for more bird activity.

Other Info
Due to the proximity to downtown and the older part of the city, homeless people are often seen around and sometimes in Blucher Park in low numbers. They tend to keep to themselves and very rarely disturb birders. They’re nothing to be worried about, but be aware of your surroundings and do keep your valuables in your locked vehicle.
Happy Birding!